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The TOP SECRET Mission to DC

I know, I know it's been a while since I have made a post. I have been busy with school and now Spring Break! BUT, on spring break my pa...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

First ever post!

As I sat trying to figure out what my first blog post should be . Then it hit me , what's better than the Rick Riodian series!! These are the books I own of the four series. This series started out to be a teacher resource for Mythology. I found that out on Rick Riodian.com. My favorite one in all the series is The Mark Of Athena. The rest of the books I read from the library. While I read these books I imagine in my head what they would be like in movies and theme parks! This is my first post, but keep following here on Blogger if you would like to read my assessments on the series.


  1. Brandon, this post is amazing! I'm so proud of you and your determination! I can't wait to read all your exciting assessments on the series!

  2. I am impressed and I know your mom and dad are proud of your endeavors. Keep us posted. Maybe you can inspire your cousins down here in Florida.

  3. You think so? Well thank you. Oh and I am going to start Blogging about the first series of Rick Riodian.

  4. Brandon, this is great! I will be sure to keep up with your blog posts!

  5. Would you recommend the Percy Jackson series for a second grader? Concerned about violence.
